2023 Sustainability Report

Innova: Reference in sustainability at COP-26

We have replaced the energy grid serving the Triunfo petrochemical plant: coal and fuel oil have been replaced by a renewable source, using the biomass of forest waste from acacia, pine, eucalyptus, rice husks, and sawmill scraps in the form of chips.

The petrochemical company has become self-sufficient and self-producing in terms of steam, for the manufacturing processes, and in electric power, with an installed capacity equivalent to the consumption of a city with 450,000 inhabitants.

This new energy grid, presented at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-26), led Innova to make a massive neutralization in its greenhouse gas emissions, putting it well on its way towards Neutral Carbon.

Innova has three essential pillars: Results, Compliance and Sustainability, each carrying the same importance and forming a whole greater than the parts. Thus, sustainability at Innova has a broader meaning in the way we think, act, produce and relate with stakeholders

The Company’s main goal is to insert the plastics chain in the circular economy. This goal drives all our research on the use of raw materials and the pioneering development of products, effecting a new useful life for post-consumption plastic.

Sharing value is also part of Innova’s sustainability vision, taking the form of investment in social transformation initiatives designed to benefit families and communities through support for education, income generation and citizenship projects.

In 2021, Innova published the Internal Bylaws developed by the Sustainability Committee, a body that aims to assist the Board of Directors in developing strategies and creating mechanisms to integrate sustainability into the company’s management process. The Committee works to reconcile economic development issues with socio-environmental responsibility.

Sustainability Reports

Learn about Innova's sustainable world vision

Integrated Policies

Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy

Innova, a petrochemical and processed plastics industry for the Brazilian and global markets, aims to generate value and a positive impact throughout its business chain.  Our commitment to continuous improvement in products and processes is based on the safety and health of our employees and third parties, as well as environmental protection and climate impact mitigation.

We strive to exceed our customers and stakeholders´ expectations, in addition to offering safe products, under the principles and guidelines of our Integrated Management System (IMS) and the Responsible Care Program ® of the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (ABIQUIM).

Our commitments:

  • Comply with legislation and other requirements applicable to our business;
  • Seek continuous improvement and increase our Integrated Management System (IMS) performance by using the most efficient and updated technologies and engineering solutions in the implementation of new projects, always involving employees and stakeholders participation, with a constant focus on Quality, Food Safety, Security, Environment and Health;
  • Making operations increasingly sustainable through eco-efficiency, mapping out actions to mitigate negative impacts and boosting positive environmental impacts;
  • Protecting the environment and preventing pollution, minimizing environmental risks in our operations and value chain, promoting water and energy rational consumption and reducing effluents, waste and atmospheric and greenhouse gas emissions generation;
  • Preserving the health and safety of our employees, contractors, clients and community by continuously identifying hazards and minimizing the risks arising from our activities, products and facilities;
  • Ensuring best practices to achieve Quality, Food Safety as well as product availability, always aiming to satisfy our customers’ needs, maintaining high safety standards in operations and logistics;
  • Establish a relationship of trust and transparency with customers, partners and communities, based on the pillars of our Integrated Management System (IMS);
  • Encourage the participation and engagement of our employees in the Company’s values and objectives, continuously fostering their development and training;
  • Ensuring the consultation and participation of employees and stakeholders in matters related to the Integrated Management System (IMS).

Social Responsibility

Innova keeps a close eye on the environment.

Innova has a humane understanding of people, in what is understood to be the social role of the Company.

Innova invests heavily in improvements towards sustainability, takes care of internal awareness and maintains partnerships with entities that are well regarded in relation to social action.

Doing its part in these areas means as much to us as manufacturing an excellent product.

Innova supports the Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS), an organization that promotes the development, environmental  preservation and improvement to the quality of life of the riverside communities of the Amazon. One of the highlights of this partnership is the promotion of social transformation in Manaus through the Waste Management, Environmental Education and Income Generation Project.

The social technologies implemented stimulate the participation of indigenous communities in the preservation of the environment and the promotion of citizenship.

Affirmation of the cultural identity and self-esteem of these populations is one of the premises for their permanence on the land.

Innova is also a partner of FAS in an important project focused on the collection for recycling of polystyrene in Manaus: cups, plates and disposable cutlery gain new life as raw materials. A partnership has been established with the Association of Collectors of Recyclable Materials of Amazonas (ASCARMAN) for collection in five neighborhoods located on the banks of streams, including the Parque das Tribos, that has been polluted both by the garbage produced in these communities and by that draining in from other parts of the city.

The project offers training and equipment to the local population, in order to encourage separated collection and recycling. The collected material is recycled as raw material for ECO-PS®, the first polystyrene with up to 30% post-consumer material in its composition. The project also creates income generation for communities in need.

The production of ECO-PS® through the use of recycled raw materials, in addition to contributing to the environmental awareness and de-pollution of the urban area of Manaus, generates income for the most vulnerable communities.

The promotion of health, education and sports initiatives is part of Innova’s social action, through its support for the Program for the Comprehensive Development of the Children and Adolescents of the Amazon Riverine Forest (DICARA), which offers free courses and thematic workshops to children from river communities, in the areas of preventive health and complementary education.

The partnership with the  Sustainable Amazon Foundation also enables two other projects: Indigenous Archery and Indigenous Canoeing. Both train new athletes in vulnerable communities in the Amazon, belonging to the Apurinã, Kameba, and Karapãna indigenous peoples. The athletes are able to improve until they reach a high level of performance


Transformative education is a pillar in Innova’s sustainability-based philosophy and practice.

In 2021, we continued our 15 years of support for the Ayrton Senna Institute. Our investment in 2021 enabled the training of 300 educators.

The Ayrton Senna Institute operates throughout the country, performing diagnoses and planning, training managers and educators, and providing innovative pedagogical solutions.

Prato Cheio (Full Dish) Project
Prato Cheio (Full Dish) Project

The project provides the socially vulnerable public of Manaus (AM) with access to basic restaurants. Innova runs a restaurant in the neighborhood of Compensa, in partnership with the Amazonas State Government and the company Sodexo.

Through this initiative, the restaurant offers 6,000 balanced meals every month, with a menu prepared by nutritionists. The restaurant serves the needy population.


Learn about more projects supported by Innova.

Nora Teixeira Hospital
Nora Teixeira Hospital

Innova supported the project for the construction of the new Emergency Ward of the Nora Teixeira Hospital, in Porto Alegre,  dedicated exclusively to patients of the Unified Health System (SUS).

The hospital is a reference throughout the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and beyond its borders, in urgency and emergency care for elderly patients, offering state-of-the-art technological infrastructure and highly qualified nursing teams.

The whole hospital complex of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Porto Alegre provides 56 thousand hospitalizations, 774 thousand consultations, 6.8 million diagnoses and treatments and 64.5 thousand surgical and obstetric procedures annually to 73% of SUS patients.

Beit Yakov Project
Beit Yakov Project

Beit Yakov Educational, Charitable, Israeli-Brazilian Orthodox Religious Institute. Innova is involved in this project that supports the activities of two Jewish schools in São Paulo.

Pro-Tigre Project (Criciúma Football Club)
Pro-Tigre Project (Criciúma Football Club)

This project’s main goal is the integration of young people into society through the specialization of non-professional athletes in performance sports.

Innova believes that sport as a socio-cultural factor stimulates feelings of solidarity, cooperation, autonomy, and creativity.

Stories Bookshelf
Stories Bookshelf

Distribution of bookshelves, each containing100 children’s books, to public schools and non-profit institutions

Territories Project by Tomie Ohtake Institute
Territories Project by Tomie Ohtake Institute

The Tomie Ohtake Institute, that opened in São Paulo in November 2001, is notable for being one of the few spaces in the city specially designed, architecturally and conceptually, to host national and international exhibitions of fine arts, architecture and design.

The Territories Award is part of the Institute’s Culture and Participation Center and is aimed at public schools nationwide, seeking to map, recognize, and disseminate pedagogical experiences that are successful in providing comprehensive training and maintaining the bonds and learning experiences of their students and communities, in a consistent and innovative way.

The award receives applications from schools all over Brazil.

The Memory of the Tide
The Memory of the Tide

This multimedia project addresses the relationship between man and the sea from the perspective of sustainability.

Guri Project
Guri Project

The Guri Project, maintained by the São Paulo State Government’s Department of Culture and the Creative Economy, is the largest socio-cultural program in Brazil offering courses in musical initiation, instrument making, choral singing, music technology, fingered-string instruments, bow-string instruments, woodwind instruments, keyboards, and percussion, for children and teenagers, as an extra-curricular, after-school program.

Since it began, in 1995, the project has already assisted around 900,000 youngsters in the Greater São Paulo area, as well as in the countryside and on the coast.

Community Advisory Council (CCC)
Community Advisory Council (CCC)

Innova has been a member of the Community Consultative Council (CCC) of the Southern Petrochemical Complex since 2003.

Currently, 29 volunteers from the community make up the Council, representing the cities of Triunfo, Montenegro, Nova Santa Rita and surrounding cities.

The company is also part of the Mutual Aid Plan (PAM), in Triunfo and in Manaus, which trains and qualifies the companies’ teams in emergency response, planning for the provision of joint support, bringing together resources and fire fighters to serve society.

Among the topics covered are the company’s future projects involving the permanent sustainability agenda, and health, safety and environmental care.

Innova’s practices are evaluated by means of internal, external and client audits, besides being rigorously certified by the Responsible Care Program®.


Innova supports in Manaus a social project of great impact: the Flag Football, which takes the game as a starting point to raise the horizons of young people in great social vulnerability.

Flag Football is a project run by Associação Voz Ativa, partner of Gerando Falcões, a social development ecosystem that has already impacted 308 NGOs, 3,701 slums, and 205,245 people in 25 states.

Flag Footbal is used as a tool for inclusion and also as a springboard for various courses, such as English, chess, judo, guitar, and school tutoring. The project has gained the attention of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).